Black/White question: who should the last Pokemon on my team be?

I'm getting ready to take on the Alder and elite 4 and my team so far is:

Braviary, Galvantuna, Gliscor, Kingdra, and Charizard. Preferably a Gen 3 pokemon so I can have at least 1 from each generation.

Maybe a Cacturne or Armaldo?


Favorite Answer

i really like claydol or absol but if i had to pick one of yours it would be cacturne one of my favorite grass types.


Generation 3 is one of my favorite regions. I would have to say Salamance, Absol, Milotic, Camerupt, Gardevoir, Metagross, Zangoose and Seviper. I hope one of these peaks your curiosity. Plus I would have to pick Catcurne pver Armaldo.


Cacturne and Armaldo aren't the best of pokemon. They're pretty crappy, in my opinion. Maybe a Metagross? Salamence? Or you could try using Cradily.

Really dunno. Use a filler pokemon. Your team seems fine as it is. Like a level 5 filler pokemon. You know to use that to use revives or heal your pokemon.

