I bought a big screen TV from Walmart the middle of December. Can I return it April 24?

It stayed in the box for three weeks. Then I didn't get Satellite until a month and a half ago. The TV stopped working about a month after I got Satellite. I took it back to Walmart last night and the girl behind the counter told me they don't take TVs back after 90 days. Does this seem right? Shouldn't a TV last five or ten years? I am 70 and I really thought this TV would be the last one I would have to buy. What can I do?


No BEANO - Walmart would not take it back. It was hard to carry it, too!


Favorite Answer

Yes I agree with you that tv sets should last 5 or 10 or more years. Unfortunately they all don't and some of them fail very early.

While the time for exchange is past, I am pretty sure you still have a warranty on the tv as most warranties are for a year. So the only option you have is to look at your owner's manual and figure out where you need to call for warranty repair.


Looks like Walmart sells products according to the age of the buyers. They must've not expected you back.


That is right. Their warranty is 90days. After that, you need to contact the manufacturer for support.


Walmart takes everything back