With the ring rust that Lesnar must have..?

I mean, he was in UFC for the last 8 years, had major surgery.. actually busted Cena open with his fist (Wasn't supposed to happen) and has to be a little sloppy.. do you think he will be able to tone down the UFC style enough to not actually physically harm Cena? I see it ending with Cena legitimately injured and out for a while.


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I am not a big fan of Lesnar i mean he should i stayed in UFC i mean what did Cena do to him to have him come back after 8 years.


"I see it ending with Cena legitimately injured and out for a while".

Good. Not that I hate Cena, I just wan't everybody who faces Brock to feel the PAIN.


He worked pretty stiff in his initial major push with the company. It's like with Sid, what you see is what you get -- protect yourself at all times.