Why does Catholic Theology forbid invitro fertilization ?
In my Roman Catholic education, the Church has stressed the most important reason for married couples to engage in sex was procreation; therefore why do they object to invitro fertilization? I don't understand the concept behind their calling it a mortal sin. I would appreciate anyone giving me an educated explanation/ Please, no nasty or offensive answers.
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Here's the quick answer (http://www.davidmacd.com/catholic/what_is_wrong_with_ivf_in_vitro_fertilization.htm)
Every biologist agrees that life begins at conception, yet 99% of human beings who are conceived using IVF die. IVF turns human beings into a commodity. IVF fosters a mind set that every couple has the "right" to have a baby rather than the privilege granted by God IVF babies form the distribution stream for stem cell research which experiments on them and kills them. Every IVF doctor is an abortionist, they abort babies by sticking a needle into their heart tissue, and abort them because too many children are implanted. This is called reduction. IVF babies are being screened and selected based on sex, and other characteristics: this is Eugenics (designer babies). IVF objectifies the humanity of the children. IVF is being used as the basis for cloning. Many babies are frozen and later thawed, which has a survival rate lower than the slave ships that brought black slaves to America and England from Africa. IVF separates the "procreative" and "unitive" aspects of a sexual relationship, resulting in a spiral of personal and social problems. IVF violates the dignity of the children, often means missing parents.
I am not sure, but I have a niece who had invitrio, now has twins, boy and grl. Her husband s catholic. Im not sure, but then many let the church or religion run them instead of living right following God, and do and be the best we can. Sorry not Catholic.