Spit, spat, spot in the bible?

My husband said that the word "spot" is used as a past tense of spit in the bible, but I have looked everywhere and all I can find is "spit, spat, sput". Does anyone know if it ever said spit, spat, spot? Or was it always "spit, spit, sput?


Favorite Answer

The only time it uses "spot" is referring to "spilos or aspilos" (as in spotless the latter)

NOT used for the verb: spit.


I have several translations and I don't even know if sput is used. It always seems to be spit.


Ask Lady Macbeth about spots.


I love these words - spit, spat, spot ...
We love to call the kettle ... the pot ...


If you spit in the air, it lands in your face sometimes.
That's all I know.

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