If atheists have no purpose and meaning to life, why spend time on R&S?

This is something I truly do not have an answer for.


This argument is raised by many militant atheists. It did not originate with me.


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unbelievers are not stupid-
they know a good thing when they see it

and even though many will complain that the 'grapes are sour'
they want them just the same

many truly wish that God was everything believers claim Him to be-
they just can't get over their pride and fear that would allow them see for themselves

but most are here - I think- because
they're drawn to what they want deep down to be the truth
and they're hoping that someone will say something that makes sense to them
and gives them a reason to hope in God for themselves:)

those are the ones I'm glad are here
and I hope God uses me to be that person who helps them take the leap:)

I'm just a beggar telling other beggars where to find food-
if they listen and believe me- they can feast at His table-
if they blow me off- that's their choice

Stainless Steel Rat2012-04-27T09:38:21Z

I'm surrounded all day by christians. Most of them seem to be unhappy and without a purpose,so what are you on about? As for why I come to R&S, I like to see what silly things christians say and do. Many of you are out here in real life making decisions in the schools and the court house that have an impact on me. If I don't say something they'll think I don't care.

she who mustn't be named2012-04-27T09:31:09Z

The IDEA that life is meaningless and the FEELING that your life has no meaning is different. Atheists may not share the same meaning Christians believe so, but our lives is actually quite meaningful and full of purpose.


Dude, only the most ignorant religious people say that atheists have no purpose or meaning to life. Congrats on being one of those.

Alice in Genderland2012-04-27T09:26:39Z

What does anyone else spend time on R&S for?
I personally enjoy looking at all the arguments and logical fallacies. I consider this as my favorite humor site.

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