Hello, I am a black woman who wants to know why is it that white men deny liking black women online?
I am approached by white men all the time on a consistent basis in public and online, but I see so many racist white comments toward black women. White men wonder why black women won't date outside their race. Well a little of it is fear of being treated one way behind closed doors and another way in public. We kind of fear what we don't know. & Why is it that people stereotype so much. All I hear is how ugly and ghetto black women are, all I see on television are less attractive black women. I feel the media wants to depict black people in a certain light almost like they are afraid to display black beauty positively. I'm am a very attractive woman and most of my friends are as well. Beauty is very prevalent in the black community not to mention all the beautiful mixed children who in my opinion are more attractive than blacks and whites. It's so hard to believe and accept that racism in America is stronger than ever.
Wow I guess this proves my point look at how ignorant these white guys are commenting on my post. Whites are really revealing their racism yet blacks have the bad rep? Smh. I won't delete this comment. I want people too see just how ignorant these people can be. Hopefully these are just little immature racist boys posing and not real men.