Classical Geniuses!!! Can you Please help me think of some Reasons Why Classical music is better than Rap!!?

I asked all my friends if they want to go to the Opera house and see this Opera by Rossini,
they dont know who rossini is, they dont liek Classical music, and a pethora Of other reasons

The oldest musician they like Is Ray Charles and Little Richard. (Which I got nothing Against, and I like Little Richard a bit)

But there also SOO many people who listen to Rap and Eminem and Skrillex and Dubstep and All of these people, Niki Minaj, every Rapper, etc...

Can you please give me reasons why Those Musicians are less Musically Inclined/Educated/Talented/etc.... than Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, vivaldi, Chopin, Haydn, Handel, Strauss, etc...

So far i got.

Not very good Vocalists. (Opera singers!!! Broadway actors!! They can sing!! Rappers Can't)

makes Music (Which is barely music, it barely sounds like a Musical Tone) on a Computer!

Can not play any instruments

Can not Read music, can not Write music, etc..

does not understand PITCH!! HARMONY!! MELODY!! KEYS!!! ETC....

now, I know that Musically is totally SUBJECTIVE

But I please for god's sake dont answer this, Rebelling and Protesting against me.

All Im trying to do is Trying to introduce Many urban stereotypical Youths To Enjoy the music
Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann, Handel, Bach's Sons, Haydn, Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven, Schubert, Liszt, chopin, Korsakov, mendelssohn, Verdi, strauss, Rossini, Berlioz, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, debussy, Ravel, Satie, elgar, Dvorak, Saint Saens, etc...

If you agree with me, Please give me other helpful FACTS that Classical music Has Over rap
That will bring those kid's Hopes down and make them understand That their Music is less Well done


Thanks Nick

But I think instead of saying 'You're missing out"

I will say "beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Mendelssohn"
Became Musicians and started Composing
Between the Ages of 4 through 12"

By me saying that, they will feel bad that there favorites are not as musically inclined


PETR B!!!! NICK!!!
you dont understand!!! They can't Just say its dumb/Boring, Not cool, etc...

Dismissing The Music Of Mozart! The Music Of beethoven! Its A SIN!!!
ITS A CRIME!!! ITS A ******* CRIME!!!


to say that Mozart, beethoven, Tchaikovsky, etc..
Are That of a less better composer than Lil wayne and eminem, and all of them



Daniel, Im not that young.
But yes!! I am very very very very Admirable


bka, No! No! You're getting it all wrong,

Im not saying that there Musical feelings are "wrong"
Im saying they are musically Immature and not very developed.
They are probably tone deaf.

I mean you can't just say "Im a music lover" and Not be a fan of any of the composers i named up there! ^

petr b2012-05-01T20:33:55Z

Favorite Answer

It is not any kind of talk that will bring someone to classical music, but the music.
Try these early classical pieces - they are short, like pop songs. One is very like a pop song, a couple of voices, a lute, some drums, immediately recognizable format (strophic), nice music, and early enough it is not 'that sound' which many associate with dead white men and powdered wigs, vests and knickers. Initially, that is all some people hear, by association, when first exposed to baroque, classical or romantic era music.

Claudio Monteverdi ~ Zefiro Torna

Jean-Philippie Rameau ~ Rondeau des Indes Galantes. Again, strophic, up - tempo, regular drum beat. It rocks, there are vocals: I think it sounds like 'a party!'

If you had those on your iPod, and were nodding your head and smiling, someone might ask you what you were listening to, and you could let them check it out.... that, friend, is the best you can hope for: it will pique their curiosity or not. If it does, you can, WITHOUT JUDGING, refer them to more of the same if they ask. Then, natural enthusiasm makes the best salesman there is.

Now for the rough part. You have been running roughshod over your classmates and it has to stop.

If you talk like that around your friends, dissing absolutely everything, and perhaps making yourself out as 'better' because you love classical, is it any wonder you maybe
A.) have few or no friends in high school.
B.) have no one saying yes to your offer.
C.) may have been so consistently nasty-offensive and noisy about this "I GET CLASSICAL AND YOU LOVE CRAP" campaign that you have may have turned all your classmates away from classical, like, permanently?

Now, to your question:

This is simple. Rap is ALL ABOUT RECITED TEXT, with a bit of a beat and a wisp of music here and there. That is All It Set Out To Be. Even the MTV music awards don't call it 'music,' Every other award is for some kind of music: "the award for "Country and Western Music / Rock Music" then they announce the Rap award... 'the award for RAP." period.

So there is no use comparing it to anything else.

You seriously seriously need to get over what amounts to mountainous snobbery about the fact you are into classical and others are not. All you do when you make noise about that and dis all other genres is increase the divide between you and your peers, and destroy any possibility of making some sort of bridge or connection to them to 'cross over' and taste classical.

Making people feel bad about something so they might like something else is extremely stupid, sorry, there is not another better word. It is reverse psychology to begin with, and it seems you ust have no idea. There are people who began composing at age twelve who never wrote anything anyone wanted to hear, ever. That is a silly point as well.

First, you owe many of your classmates an apology for dissing their music so hard. It seems you are going more out of your way to be hurtful to them than doing anything to genuinely promote classical music. All you are promoting is your superiority because you love classical music, and being, from your own description, the most unlikeable jerk on the block while you're at it.

Just ask yourself who likes or loves a snob, any kind of snob.

Not a great track record so far. Not instantly repaired, either.

Go to the opera by yourself, maybe you will meet other young audience members there, and you won't have to 'convert' them, because they, too like classical.

Best regards.

P.s. And, as my good colleague Raymond said, but more bluntly, Get off that soapbox you are standing atop of and screaming from. It is sorely obnoxious and repellent.


As someone who's played classical piano for 16 years (not that it's much, but it's enough to know what's going on) and played flute in several orchestras, do you know what the biggest complaint I hear about classical music from my non-clasically trained musician friends is? They think classical musicians have a snob appeal towards most other genres. Yes, everybody knows rap is pale in comparison to classical in many areas, but what purpose does this rant serve? Either people agree with you already (I'm assuming most do on this board), or they don't. And I very much doubt this is persuasive enough to change any minds. So what exactly did you think you have to gain from writing this rant out? Just wanted to spend a few minutes on your soapbox to perpetuate a negative stereotype?

Note that I'm not defending rap at all, I actually don't like the genre at all. But you can complain all you want, it won't change what people like, which unfortunately for most cases, is garbage.

P.S. What Raymond said.


First, if you want to introduce them to classical music, you shouldn't say that their music is inferior, because that is insulting.

But, if you and your friends engage in a discussion of which music is better, here are some good points as to why classical is considered great:

-Most classical music actually takes time to develop, rather than repeating itself for 2-3 minutes
-Most classical music doesn't require the same four chords repeated over and over.
-Classical music spans through all emotions, and there is a HUGE variety to enjoy.
-Depending on what you're listening to, classical music won't give you headaches.
-For those who say classical music is all cheery and light, you can bring back the variety argument point and mention composers like Wagner, Mahler, Grieg, Strauss, Liszt, etc.
-And finally, a lot of classical music does not have lyrics, so it is more universal and easy to relate to than rap. Also, without lyrics, one can pay more attention to the music itself, where in rap, all attention is on the words.

For against Rap/Dub-step/House

-Dub-step/House only focuses on beats, and is strictly meant for dancing. (How silly it seems to me to come home from a long day of school and unwind to computerized bass riffs)
-Also, these genre can be made by any average joe on a computer. That being said, it takes real talent to play and instrument, and write for an instrument.
-Because there is a high focus on beats, much of the music is very repetitive, so musically, there is little substance. That being said, the songs are short for a REASON.

But before you do talk to them about classical music, be for-warned: If the kids you are talking about look up to Eminem and Skrillex, they will most likely not have any interest in this music (BTW, from some of my friends who do like rap, Eminem is one of the worst. So, if you want to p*ss them off, you can talk about how he's one of the worst rappers.)

And if they insult you for it, or say that the music is dumb/old/boring/whatever, just shrug and say "You're missing out"

swell and well to the MAX2012-05-03T17:07:18Z

It's not going to get your point across to say your music is better than rap. But classical music is more appealing to people for a number of reasons.

It is universal and anyone can listen to it and find it appealing.

It takes more time to make, and it is harder than just playing the same four chords or few chords (and sometimes just one or two chords) like in rap.

People can listen to the actual music without having to concentrate closely on listening to the words.

People need time and patience to actually play this type of music correctly, and anyone can be a good rapper if they put their mind to it (rapping a few rhymes isn't as hard as memorizing or perfecting a very hard Liszt Ballade, for example). So in other words, this music should be more respected because of how amazing it is.

Best wishes.


I like some such as Franz Joseph Haydn, Gioachino Antonio Rossini, Giuseppe Verdi, and Ludwig van Beethoven's piano concertos.

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