How long will you wait for the main plot to get rolling?

My current story gets going about three chapters in. Basically, the first chapter is where my main character meets up with the creepy lady who'll be employing him. I start half-way through some action, where he's in a graveyard running from a living stone angel with a sword. After he beats it (it was a test), the lady takes him to her shop/house. He meets the people who work for her and gets shown around. It's interesting by itself because the employees are weird and the shop-house is a bit like JK Rowling's Hogwarts or Dianna Wynne Jones' House of Many Ways (bigger on the inside than the outside), except that it likes to eat people who get lost. After this chapter, a customer arrives and he gets told to help her with her request, which is where the villains show up and the quest begins.

Chapter one and two should be about four thousand words each (about 30 book pages, together). Do you mind, or do you not care as long as the story is interesting?


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I get it rolling as soon as possible. By the end of the first chapter at least.
If you start off with some good action that shows who your characters are, I think that you can forgo the start of the main plot.
But if you just go on and on with setting and narrative summery without introducing the conflict or even hinting at it, you've got some editing to do.


It all depends on the writing. I understand that you've got to set the scene, and give some back story to start with, but that's no excuse for it to be boring. If the author's done a good job, and not stuffed it full of pointless fluff, purple prose, and hordes of useless adverbs, then I'll gladly wait a few extra chapters for the ball to get rolling.

Your story sounds interesting, by the way. Good luck with it :)


I shouldn't be able to tell what "the main plot" is going to be. Your character wouldn't know.

Provided what's happening is interesting, I'm happy.