Another hedgehog queston - cold baby?
I asked another question earlier about dehydration. Now I'm concerned about her cold-to-the-touch belly. We've had her in a room that is usually 75+ degrees, and she's been on a heating pad. I have her in a snuggle sack on a heating pad on my legs now. She just can't seem to get warm. I'm sweating, and her belly is still cool and lazy. She can unroll from a ball but just has no interest in really moving. We just brought her home from the pet store day before yesterday.
I think I have found another exotics vet to replace the one I had, but it's too late to visit tonight.
Also, she keeps peeing on herself...
Is there anything I can do tonight?
Also, she keeps peeing and messing on herself...still has diarrhea.
Is there anything I can do tonight?