Legimate name changes require a court action, so where is the action for changing Soetoro to Obama?

"Hussein Obama" has spent over one million dollars to seal/conceal his true identity, academic, political, police, and other records of public interest. Why the stealthy operation? Honest people have no need to seal and conceal their past records.


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Since Obama never legally changed his name to Soetoro, there was no need to change it back. He used the name for 4 years while in Indonesia, as it was his step-father's name. He was never formally adopted as Indonesia didn't permit adoptions over age 5, and Barry moved there when he was 6. Both Bill Clinton and Gerald Ford used their stepfather's names for years before legally changing their names.

Obama hasn't spent anywhere near $1 million "sealing" anything. Someone looked at the legal expenses for the campaign and claimed they were for hiding his identity.

Honest people have no need to make up or spread lies.