is colon cancer fast growing?

Hello everywon my great grandma was dignosed with colon cancer a day or two a ago she is 99 years old and I think she has stage 1 or 2 not sure but im just wondering if its fast growing can everywon please also pray for her thanks


on avrage how long can somwon live without chemo or surgery she chose not to do either of them


they said it would be very risky to put her under for sugery due to she has high blood pressure other then that she is in great health I didint understand either but I guess the docter said surgery would be dangerous for her


they said it would be very risky to put her under for sugery due to she has high blood pressure other then that she is in great health I didint understand either but I guess the docter said surgery would be dangerous for her


Favorite Answer

Usually it isn’t this is why colonoscopies are recommended every 5 years.
If it is caught early there is no need for chemo.
How long someone can survive without treatment depends on the stage it is when diagnosed. Also surgery needs to be done if she is close to obstruction as that is a horrible way to die.

BTW If she was diagnosed due to symptoms she has already had the cancer about 8-10 years.


Colonoscopies aren't recommended for people 99 years of age. In fact, I think 75-80 is about the time most cancer screening is stopped.

And it's very unlikely that they would even consider chemo in a 99-year-old patient.


Colon cancer is typically quite a slow-growing cancer, but is also among the easiest to remove, surgically...unless she is in generally poor health (which seems unlikely since she has already lasted 99 years!) I am surprised that her doctors did not recommend either chemo, surgery, or both...