Are there any Bible (or mythological, but preferably Bible) characters who meet the following descriptions?

I am writing a poem but know little about the Bible. (That will hopefully change as I study it this summer!) I need a character who meets one of the following descriptions:

1) Someone who is so afraid he/she cannot act, esp. someone who hides him/herself away from the world
2) Someone who rises back from the dead or survives a near-death experience (besides Lazarus)
3) Someone who is suicidal or attempts suicide

Thank you!


They only need to match one of the criteria, thanks! And #1 would be best


Favorite Answer

1. Adam and Eve tried to hide themselves from God after eating the fruit. (Gen. 3:8-20)
1a. Jonah tried going to Tarshish to avoid going to Nineveh and ended up hitching a ride in the great fish. (Jonah 1:1-17)

2. Eutychus - Paul preached him to death; fell out the window. Died and was brought back to life. (Acts 20:9-12)

2a. ... and obviously Christ.

3. Samson (Judges 16:29-30), Ahithophel hanged himself (2 Samuel 17:1-29), Jonah contemplates suicide (Jonah 4:1-11) Judas (Matt. 27:5 | Acts 1:18)


Well I know that Moses ran away from everything he grew up with when he killed an egyptian for harming a hebrew slave. He ran into the wilderness and became a shephard, hiding from pretty much everyone except his family. He was there for a long time until God appeared to him in a burning bush telling him that he was to lead Israel out of Egypt. Even then, Moses made up alot of excuses why he couldn't do it because he was afraid. He was only able to do it with God's and his brother Aaron's help. Not really sure about the last two though, sorry.

Guru Hank2012-05-04T21:51:25Z

1) Adam and Eve hid from God after eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge
2) Some servant who dropped off to sleep sitting at a window listening to St Paul, and fell out. It is in Acts somewhere. Paul brought him back to life.
3) Judas Iscariot.


In the bible read...The book of Jonah. Its only four chapters. Its a great story with a funny character Jonah. It will inspire the poem. Good Luck.


Hmm... none for number 1. Jesus for number 2(resurrection) and Judas for number 3! But one person fitting all... I do not know..

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