Jehovah's Witnesses: What are your views on these games/shows?

I'm a 17 year old studying to become a Jehovah's Witness and I need your views on the following:

Halo series:
First person shooter games seem OK, but I play the multiplayer game over a computer server with my friends and it seems pretty fun but it bothers me that blood gets spread everywhere and that must mean violence. I think "violence" is a strong word but it is the blood that makes it seem violent. And I am NOT a lover of violence!

Yes, I know it seems harmless but the only thing I'm curious about is that in Banjo-Kazooie in the level Mad Monster Mansion, it has been pointed out that there is a mini game that takes place on an ouij board; I'm not sure if it's true though. Banjo-Tooie however seems very well clear of bad influences other than main villain being a witch.

Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra series:
It's been stated in the very first episode that the bending is NOT witchcraft, but I am curious about the whole "spirit world" thing. Does it make it OK as long as the spirits AREN'T evil? Another thing is that only the Avatars and few selected people become spirits (compared to the Bible, only a certain number of people are selected to go to heaven) but because I'm not sure, I haven't been watching the new series.

Jehovah's Witnesses ONLY please. My apologies if you don't know what these are about.
Another thing is, is it true that it all depends on your conscience?
Thank you for your time to answer.


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Whatever games you choose to play, movies you watch, music you listen to, books you read -- it's up to your conscience. However, what does the Bible say about violence, witchcraft and spiritism? The Bible says that Jehovah hates violence. And witchcraft, spiritism, ouija boards are all part of the occult. And who is behind the occult?

If you are questioning these games, then your conscience is bothering you. I advise you to speak to your study conductor about this, and he or she can sit down and go over some scriptures with you.

It's good that you are asking these types of questions. It means you want to make sure you're doing the right thing.

Paisley Moon


The only one I am familiar with is Halo due to the many many many commercials. Though I watch a lot of TV, video games left me flat.

But allow me to offer one of the oldest computer maxims in existence. "Garbage in, garbage out." and "You are what you eat.", as well.

Meaning in this case, if I told you not to think of pink elephants, that would be all you could think about for at least a few seconds or longer. Our worship to Jehovah must be pure. Living in this wicked old world of Satan's, that is profoundly difficult. How much harder do we make it on ourselves by dwelling on things we are specifically told not to have be a part of our lives? Such as spiritism, hatred and violence? The equivalent of hitting our own heads with a shovel.

How far you go with this is truthfully up to each ones clear conscience with Jehovah. Such a conscience trained by the Bible's standards of living as you are beginning to develop as seen by asking the question. So the question only you can truthfully answer is, "Can you participate in these things yet still have a clear conscience with Jehovah God, who examines our inner most thoughts and feelings?"


besides the shown fact that Mr. Danahue praised Mr. Jackson, we as Jehovah's Witnesses compliment Jehovah. this is impossible without Jehovah's help to beat the quantity of hatred society had (and nonetheless has) for the Witnesses and their ideals. below the exterior at any time there could desire to be assaults against Jehovah's human beings for his or her faith. this is extremely solid of Mr. Donahue to talk this subject remember with large emphasis on the value of freedom of religion. lots of different faiths do no longer comprehend that even assembly at the same time can grow to be unlawful very immediately. i think of he spoke nicely and pondering this has resurfaced in American courts presently a glance on the previous is extremely helpful.


The Bible foretold that our time would be characterized by people who are “lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, [and] lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.” You will probably agree that many television characters are just like that. “From these,” the Bible admonishes, “turn away.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) “Do not be misled,” we are warned, “bad associations spoil useful habits.”—1 Corinthians 15:33.

Being selective involves self-control. Have you ever watched the first few minutes of a drama or movie and, though you realized it was unacceptable, watched the entire film just to find out what would happen next? Many have. However, if you have the willpower to turn off the TV so you can do something else, you will probably find that you don’t really care about what happened.

Long before the invention of television, the psalmist wrote: “I shall not set in front of my eyes any good-for-nothing thing.” (Psalm 101:3) What a good goal that is for us to keep in mind when choosing what we will watch! Some, like Claudine, have decided to get rid of their television. She said: “I never realized how much TV desensitized me. When I have opportunity to watch TV now, I am shocked by things that didn’t bother me before. I used to think that I was discerning in what I watched, but now I realize I wasn’t. When I watch good things, I enjoy them more.”

Appeared in Awake! October 2006

Sheltie Lover2012-05-04T18:18:45Z


Personally, I'm not familiar with any of those, as I don't have time to play video games, and likely wouldn't do so anyway.

Also: I don't like television much and just really would rather do other things.

I understand that if you have time on your hands you might like to pass the time with that kind of games, but as you have noticed, most have very little moral value to them.

Try to find other things to do, and if it comes to playing video games keep in min d what the Bible says at Philippians 4:8 ... "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."


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