Thank you My Father who art in Heaven?

For the blessings you have shown our family in the sale of my father's home and the ability to remove his tormentor from his presence. let him shine for the long life he has earned and the fulfillment of the end of days in good tidings and joy. let your love rain down upon him and provide the love he so shared with strangers. as he sacrificed the work and provisions of his life for us let him be rewarded with good will till the end of his days.


opinions are like buttholes everyone has one but noone really wahts to hear it.

Fights like a krogan2012-05-05T16:03:13Z

Favorite Answer

Can you pray for the many slices of toast that were eaten this morning? Their famillies do not deserve the suffering they are going through.


Benjamin, he quotes Shakespearean English. "Art" here would be "is" in today's English.

Note please as well, Jesus is speaking here and stating his Father, the Almighty God and hearer of prayer (Ps. 65:2), as being in heaven, not on earth. Jesus gave the Model Prayer while he was on the earth as a human. (Matt. 6:9-11)


IF stupid was painful we'd never see 'questions' like this ;(

Next time you could attempt asking a question on this Q&A site...


your father art in heaven
art is a noun not a verb
"My father does art in heaven." would be a better sentence, even though neither god nor heaven exist.


Amen, can you pray for my father as well? appreciated.

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