What is the best way to back up files? What is the best location on the computer to put backed up files?

My Norton antivirus program also offers me the opportunity to back up files automatically. But first it wants to know where to store the files. The recommended option is to store the files on a "secure online storage" because it has the fastest bandwidth throttle. Second option would be the C drive, and third option would be to store it in the D (recovery) drive. My D drive only has 2.4 GB of free space left. Last option is the E (CD/DVD) drive. Is it possible or recommended to store the back ups on a flash disk? I guess this is a very basic question for more advanced computer people. Thanks for your help.


Favorite Answer

Backups should go to a proper backup medium.

If you use tape or Flash drive you must be sure to store them in an environment they won't get corrupted by static electricity, moisture, heat...
Same for an external hard drive.

Secure online storage has security issues and will they still be around when you need to restore something. Also if you have sensitive data, it must be encrypted before sending it offsite.

CD/DVD are ideal storage mediums but do not hold much data.


NEVER store backups on the same machine. This is NOT then a backup. If the drive goes down all your files, the system, and the backup go. Get an external drive and store them there.


The idea is to store them off of the hard drive like on an external source such as an external hard drive.


Learn about Google Drive http://support.google.com/drive/?hl=en


you pronounced that be conscious ...i-tunes....for this reason it somewhat is downloading in the event that they have been all mp3s and you used a mp3 participant like winamp.... others are avalible it would play your song from the resource