Which Name Do You Like Better? And Bonus Q...?

So I am in love with two girl names but cannot decide!

I like Bailey and Alessandra. Adalia would be the middle name. Non-negotiable.

So Bailey Adalia S. or Alessandra Adalia S.

Also, what kind of personality do you think each would have? Wwhat does each name make you think of and what would you imagine they would look like? (if you include pictures that would be awesome!)



Favorite Answer

I personally like Bailey.

Bailey Adalia has a better ring to it, I think. The 'A' on the end of Alessandra and Adalia don't flow very well.

Personality wise:

Bailey: A creative and vibrant little girl with chestnut hair in ringlets and hazel eyes. She's outgoing, and talented at everything she does. Smart with lots of friends. Kind, generous, charismatic, bubbly, yest sophisticated and mature(:

Alessandra: A redheaded girl with freckles and glasses. She's very smart, classy, high class and mature.


Alessandra Adalia S


Alessandra Adalia


Alessandra is so much better than Bailey. I really don't like the name Bailey, it is awkward and not very feminine.

Alessandra Adalia S. I think it is very pretty. I imagine someone with long dark hair who is spunky yet also has a girly side.


Bailey Adalia flows better, but Alessandra is a better name.

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