Can someone translate this song into english?

Dad a Jehová la gloria

Tributad a Él todo el poder
Dad la gloria que merezce su nombre

Adoraré la hermosura de su santidad
Él dará fuerzas a los suyos
Adoraré la hermosura de su santidad

La bendición de su paz Él dará

La voz Del Señor esta sobre las águas
Resuene truenos de Dios

La voz Del Señor es poderosa

Sonido de majestad es tu voz
Todos proclaman delante de Él


Favorite Answer

Ascribe to the Lord glory

Ascribe unto him all the power
Dad the glory that merezce your name

I will adore the beauty of his holiness
He will give you the strength to theirs
I will adore the beauty of his holiness

The blessing of his peace he will

The voice of the Lord is upon the waters
Resound thunder of God

The voice of the Lord is powerful

Sound of majesty is your voice
All proclaim before him

The site linked below gave a couple alternative translations. Web translators don't always get all the words, as in this case.
