Do the record breaking profits of GM benefit wall st. or ordinary "folks"?

way to go Obama...use taxpayers money to bail out large corporations that were required to FIRE people to get the bailout and ultimately benefit wall street and the cronies of the administration

How would I Know2012-05-08T09:07:13Z

Favorite Answer

There was no benefit to either wall street or the American people.

Keep in mind, GM/Chrysler has lost 50% of it's stock value over the last year... not something that will be a benefit to wall street. And, of course, the American tax payer is still pumping billions into GM/Chrysler ( over $70 billion to date ) so obviously not a benefit there either.

The only people who benefit from this are the unions.


Wall Street more than the rest of us. There are still millions of Americans out of work. Also, the bail out was implemented under GW's presidency.

