one problem with unemployment statistics?

Cant figure this out..

One of the problems with the official unemployment statistic provided by the Federal government (ie ways that the statistic inaccurately reflects the reality of a recession) is:

a. it ignores people who have been unemployed for more then one year
b. people who are underemployed (working fewer hours then they want) are counted as umemployed
c, the unemployed who stop looking for work are not counted?


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The correct answer is B. Underemployment is not counted as unemployed.
A is not true. For example,the report on the unemployment last month said, the rate was down from 8.3% to 8.1% because unemployed person for more than a year has stopped looking for Jobs,so that the labor force was down.So it still counts.
C is not true.If they stopped a claim for unemployment benefits, they will not be counted as unemployed.


83.5% of government statistics are created simply so politicians can use them to justify stealing more of your money in taxes. and 92.4% of statistics are simply made up on the fly...

what was the question?.. you simply stated several facts and they are true. the statistics on unemployment don't include the people you mentioned.