DOOL...Does anybody else think today's episode was a waste of time?

These writers are so full of it! The usual tired old storyline-they're all dead and the obligatory emotional memorial service, blah blah blah. What a total waste of air time. What do you all think? Btw Chad and his stupid hair is starting to REALLY bother me.

Kitty 22012-05-10T07:16:36Z

Favorite Answer

Yes it was a boring Memorial. To make it really hot i wished Stephano and EJ had of went into the middle of it. LOL. Mercy dont get me on Chad's pitiful hair. So nasty and greasy looking. If he would just cut the strands that hang around his eyes that would help.K2

His name is my name too!2012-05-09T18:57:24Z

I was thinking the exact same thing! If they were going to go to all this trouble of the wake and try and be all emotional then why not let us the viewer also think they were all dead so then we might actually feel sad too instead of just sitting there thinking its a waist of time and these people are gonna be pissed when they find out the truth. As for Chad why was he even there? That was pretty poor judgement to show up at a memorial service for people that your father killed whether you're involved or not they don't want to be reminded of your family.

M W2012-05-09T18:49:48Z

It was absolutely a waste of time, because in the next couple of days they all find out those people are still alive.

Chad's hair is the worst ever. I'm thinking he's kind of an idiot anyway, so maybe stupid hair is OK with him.


The one funny thing I saw was the order of importance of the dead people. First they showed Raf's picture, then Carrie then Bo, Hope, John and finally Marlena in the biggest picture and frame. HAHAHA Guess we know who the big star is... All the sanctamonious clap trap crap. Phooey, their all a bunch of blow hards who never "get the guy they swear they'll get this time!" Give it up incompetitent boobs! Do something else. Ain't gonna happen. They are never with their important loved ones(children) they wax poetical about. All a bunch of phonies. I really hope Eileen Davidson is coming back.


I don't really think so. In a while we will see the different reactions those same people have when they find out nobody died. Especially Sami. She will be angry at everyone for putting her through all this instead of being overjoyed that they didn't die. So self-centered. But I'm wondering if any of them will whack Stefano before they find out.