Have you ever seen a ghost?

If so when, where and how.


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I have been seeing them off and on since age three or four just about everywhere I have live, and this home I live in now for the past 8years there were four years that this home was very daily haunted as I have seen about five different spirits, but one would come to me all the time, and all except one were good spirits, my son has seen one of them more than a few times. At times I could see them while asleep with my eyes closed as my inner eye- vision opens, and I know it's not a dream because at times I wake up completely to see the spirit leaving.


I was leaving a friend's house late at night and the road I was taking had a sharp bend to it next to a gully. Very dark. When coming into the bend I saw a lady dressed in a shawl step in front of my car. I skidded and swerved, then looked back. Nothing but empty road. Ghost? You decide.


no, but If I see a ghost movie, when I sleep some of the scenes from the movies comes to my mid. so I just say a mantra and keep on sleeping


I have, for years i'v seen them.. I know many places but sometimes things like this are better left unsaid. Oh and they do exsist! Come to where i live if you think they don't..


yes,a couple of months ago on, Ghost Adventures lol

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