Why do christians act like they have the monopoly on God,rightiousness,and morality.? ?

I hearcomments and see how they back stab each other over little things. it just gets me angry because the christians i personally know are not even good people but are ready to point out the flaws on non christians who are maybe kinder gentler and more honest. Not to bash on christians but why the self rightious arrogance many of your fellow christians show?


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because there stupid and they live there lives based on a book over 2000 years old


We don't have a monopoly. But we do, if we believe in it, have the truth at our hands. But Bibles are very abundant so even an atheist can have the truth, and read it, etc.

Why do some Christians /act/ like they have a monopoly? We are human, and subject to all the faults of everybody else.

Our claim to fame isn't ourselves. Its our God. He's the one who is righteous, true, and.. has a monopoly on Himself haha. Not us. As long as you look at Christians, you are looking at human beings.

Though hopefully we share the love of God, but we're still human, just like you.

Jedi Groundhog2012-05-11T20:23:02Z

Low self esteem. If I follow the Bible, then I'm good. Those don't are bad and if I point it out to them, then I appear good as to tell them that they are wrong. Therefore, I feel better about myself. Also, I've seen that type of attitude from radical Christians. The normal, everyday Christians are just like everyone else.


No concept in any respect. They worship a God who orders mothers to consume their babies, who rips the unborn babies out of mom's stomachs, who butchers over 24 million harmless human beings interior the bible and nevertheless they declare the ethical extreme floor? They do sturdy because of the fact they are frightened of hell or because of the fact they choose a reward, no longer because of the fact of any altruistic love of mankind, and nevertheless they declare the ethical extreme floor? how many acquaintances do you have that are in common terms your human beings because of the fact they worry what you will do to them or anticipate something large from you. They act out of selfishness, self contentedness, and greed and nevertheless they desire to declare the ethical extreme floor. it is a frigging enigma how any team of human beings would properly be so ignorant.


Yeah, that's pretty arrogant to say.

As deist, let me make an arrogant statement as well. There is only one god and he's neither righteous nor moral, because he's infinitely above petty trivial human egoistic bullshit like wrath, anger, judgement, etc.

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