Is gay marriage part of the old covenant?

After all, where is it mentioned in the new testament anyway?


@scarlet I'm not gay. I mean, if we're supposed to be following the old covenant still we have strayed way farther than gay marriage.


Favorite Answer

Marriage is a sacred covenant between two people who love each other. And it doesn't matter to God whether it is a heterosexual couple, or a homosexual couple.

Peace and Namaste!

Geoff k2012-05-12T22:17:55Z

Gen 2:24 states "a man shall leave his mother and father, be united with his wife and they shall become one flesh."
Levit 18:22 states that "a man shall not lie with a man as he would a woman."

So, gay marriage is not part of the old covenant. However, following the situationist approach of Joseph Fletcher, the key element of Christianity is agape, or unconditional love. Thus, if gay marriage would be the loving thing to allow, Jesus would likely be in favor. Fundamentalists tend to omit this when making anti-gay arguments with Biblical textual evidence.

Hope this helps;

Geoff -


it was not in the new testament. But it was mentioned once in the old testament in the book of leviticus. Ironically christians claim to not be under the law but will quickly jump back to it when it suits them to do so.


It's part of anal cancer.

"One of the more pressing issues for gay men is anal carcinoma. Several recent studies have indicated the rate of anal dysplasia to be increasing in men with and without HIV. Ninety percent of men with HIV have the human papiloma virus (HPV), while 65% of men without HIV have HPV. HVP type 16 is the most troublesome for developing cancer and is found in a significant portion of gay men."


how can you idiots even debate this? are you stupid? the bible was supposed to be "the word of "god" and now you blindly accept another version? where did this "new testament come from? you just change anything and everything that just so happens to apply to you, like shaving and shellfish and divorce.

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