thank you for the answers my tetanus shot was 7 weeks ago due to a dog bite.?

Thank you so much for your answers. I got a tetanus shot the end of March due to a dog bite. I had already had one 4 years before that but the Dr. decided that another would not hurt. Good thing huh? I have washed it, taken a shower, put alochol and perixide on it plus neosporin on it. It is just a tiny poke a red but should be Ok. You people were so nice in answering my question compared to others that have answered other questions. Thank you.


Favorite Answer

good luck.


I as quickly as Bitten purchase a canines in 2005 it tore a extensive gash wound at the back of my left arm and a pair of puncture wounds in my left forearm the canines had all its vaccines I went to the emergency they gave me a tetanus shot some silver nitrate cream to positioned on the wound and bandages in 2006 i began out to sense something grow to be no longer suitable I went to my physician he reported he could no longer discover something in 2010 I whinge to my physician some nagging decrease back discomfort and stiff legs he despatched me to a neurologist she did a concepts MRI and clinically determined me with diverse sclerosis

Smokies Hiker2012-05-15T11:18:54Z

Glad to hear the dog bite wasn't real serious and you'll be okay, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was your dog or a neighbors dog that bit you. If it was someone else's dog, make sure they're aware of the bite and hopefully they'll keep their dog under control from now on.