What do you think of the name Amarillys?

Sounds like bacteria or a decease doesn't it?

What do you think of the name?


Nope. My Poor sister is called like that.
I've been trolling with that name around.


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lol - it's a flower, just FYI.


It doesn't sound like a bacteria or disease to me, but then again I have a medical background and I also know that Amaryllis is a type of flower. It's a bulb, similar to lilies or dahlias. They are particularly popular to start indoors right before the holidays and are commonly used for holiday decorations.

However, I do not think it's a particularly attractive name as flower/plant names go. I don't really like it much, although I could think of worse things to name a girl.


I think its cute! But then knowing that an Amarillys is a absolutely beautiful flower helps to! But if I were to name a child that I think her nick name would be Amy or Riley or something really cool.


I really don't like it. I don't even know if I'm saying right and i still don't like. Doesn't sound like a bacteria or disease but it makes me think of a strange plant that I would get rid of. Horrible name for a girl and ten times worse for a boy.


No, I really like it! It's the name of a beautiful flower! I actually like the name Amaris better, if you're thinking about baby names.

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