what`s the difference between light and electricity?

both are electromagnetic waves,so,there must be some analogy...what are analogies and differences?
thank you for answers


Electricity and light are two different energies. Electricity is nothing but collection and flow of electrons. Electricity may have analog or digital nature. Light only have analog nature.Speed of light is more than that of electricity.
That is what i know about this.


Electricity is not an EM wave. It is simply the movement of electrons through a medium. The speeds are also very different. Electricity can be used to create an EM wave however.


Electricity is not an electromagnetic wave. It can be employed to emit an electromagnetic wave, however is not itself a wave, but a movement of electrons.


Light is a wave, it travels much like a ocean wave, however electricity is energy, so it's more usable. Electricity can be seen emitting light, and electricity can be made from light via solar cells or panels, but they are totally different.


Light is much faster!

It my mean like light for speed of light!
And electricity for lightning!