How many female guinea pigs can go in this size cage?

2.5 meters x 60cm


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If I did the math correctly that's about 15 square feet. Up to 5 pigs can be housed in a 15 square foot cage.


I wouldn't put too many even with a large cage cavys need room to play, jump, and run. I would say dont put more then 10 if to crowded there could be injuries and also think of the smell and if a cage is over crowed it can cause health problems.

Rat Lover2012-05-17T12:33:43Z

The maximum of female cavies (guinea pig) would be 5 for this size cage. They need plenty of room to run and have alone space. You will also need at least 3 water bottles, 3 food dishes, 2 hay racks, and 3 hiding areas. Also, you can give them cardboard boxes and corn cobs to play with.

Good luck!


2x2 square feet for 1 guinea pig. Add another 1 square foot for every additional guinea pig. For example, 2 guinea pigs in 3x3 feet cage, 3 guinea pigs in 4x4 cage, 4 guinea pigs in 5x5 cage, and so on.


30x60 cm for one cavie. But the bigger the better. I raised them for years and they love space and not overcrowding

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