how to go insane? please help...?
ok, so I want to go insane.
I may be partially there already and I am NOT looking for jokes. I have at least mild depression, though my mom wont take me to see a doctor, I've been depressed since I was 8.
I fall 'in-love' way to easily. in other words I get a boy who treats me nice and we get along great and then I fall...which really sucks.
I don't want to be able to trust, but I end up letting that go. I want to be anorexic, mostly because I have had rocks thrown at me, just for being fat, and was harrassed three years about it.
I dont want to live. I'm not saying I want to die anymore, but I wouldn't mind it. I think death is better than life, it's either your gone and theres nothing, or you go to heaven and theres a better nothing.
I want to cut. I don't want to live in reality, I feel like reality is just a prison, something that holds you back too often.
so yes, I may be half way there.
please do not tell me to get a hold of drugs because I can't.
please do not joke around.
please do not accuse me of lieing.
neon? xD I wish! its just blue though. And I'm not angry with the world, just some of the people in it.
I meant to add that I am pretty sure that I have mild depression, because there is no way anyone would be depressed for 5 years and not have it be medical. I'm probably going to be proven wrong about that but I dont give a ****.
I know it's there and my mom deny's it, I have all the fricking symptoms and I have tried to kill myself.