DOOL...When I saw crazy Carrie get sick at her stomach on today's show, I knew she was pregnant. Do you think?

Do you think that's how they're going to get rid of both Carrie and Austin, that they'll both leave town together?


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Absolutely....this is their way out of Salem and it couldn't happen fast enough for me. Poor Austin he's the dummy, playing second best.


I always loved Carrie and Austin. But their story has been used so much. But yeah i think she is preggo with Austins baby.

M W2012-05-19T01:44:37Z

We can only hope this is the beginning of the end of them. Coming up Austin finds a pregnancy test, but the spoilers don't say if it was positive.

They can't leave soon enough.

Gurpreet Kang2012-05-19T04:55:07Z

That makes sense but I think it totally sucks Carrie is leaving the show. It seems like I am the only who likes her, which is too bad since she is an awesome actress and great character. Poor Rafe though and do people actually want Rafe to be with sleazy Nicole over Carrie?
Everyone seems to view Nicole through rose coloured glasses and it is kind of annoying since she does NOT deserve to be happy and I just hope EJ doesnt go back to her...he can do better.
I dont think the baby with Austin will automatically make her want to be with Austin again and it wont erase her feelings for Rafe either.
I dont understand why you all hate Carrie. Austin I can understand...but damn I wished it was Austin Peck who was returning for the role....if it was him and they booted him out I wouldnt be happy....but now its more Carrie I am disappointed about.

Kitty 22012-05-19T13:37:13Z

I believe so .. I cant see Rafe owning up to another pregnancy not with Nicole..So i hope Carrie will get her mind off Rafe and get back with Austin.K2

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