Boyfriend advice for the exam period?
Hi there,
I really just need someone else's perspective on this as I'm not sure whether I am simply being selfish or there is something else to it.
Last year my boyfriend and I (both at different colleges at the time and before we were in a relationship) didnt do well in our exams and subsequently both decided to retake the year. We're now at the same college, the problem is that since January he has been working and revising towards his AS exams, which is pretty impressive, but it also meant that if ever he stayed over he had to go home very early the next morning to revise, which was a bit annoying but I got used to it. In the last two months though things have been really hard.
For the last two months he's been studying continuously, tending to block me out, and being vacant, he says he still loves me and I don't doubt it, the problem is that he won't even spent more than 3 minutes talking to me on the phone or stay 5 minutes after an exam to talk about it before he's off home to do more revision.
I kind of feel a bit like a toy thats got sat on the shelf, and although I understand both our exams are important I still find it hard that he won't donate ANY time towards me, please let me know if I'm wrong here, because. Could be, I'd just like someone elses perspective, thanks x