How can i go about reporting an officer on bad behavior in front of my children?
I was driving with my wife and children in the car. One 3 years old the other 5. I was coming toward a construction site and a local town cop waved me to go on to pass the construction. I started driving, but he apparently wasn't in sync with the other cop, who happened to be a state trooper and he was waving the other on-coming cars toward me.
I beeped my horn to get his attention and the other cars attention, when he turned around and waved his hands in the air frantically yelling and screaming. He said "What the F*** are you doing are you a F***ing idiot or something?". Then said "What if i didn't see you went head on into another car, you've got to be F***ing kidding me".
He told me to pull off to the side to write me a ticket, when the other cop stopped traffic to explain it was his fault. He said "Hey my fault i thought he was clear to go" Then he went off back into traffic. I thought i would have gotten an apology or something for him swearing in front of my kids. He scared the 5 year old and my 3 year old said "Mommy why did that man say F***ing, that's a bad word" as we drove away.
Who do i complain to? How do i go about the process, etc?