am I the only one left that feels this way?

I grew up in a much simpler time without cellphones and computers. We went to somebody's house when we wanted to see them. We played outside and made our own fun. We skated, bowled, played kickball and baseball in the street. We played in the water when the firemen opened up the fire hydrants.
Now ,i have to call to make an appointment just to spend time with my kids or friends.
I don't care if someone wants to drop by to see me. They don't have to call and make an appointment.
Am I the only one that feels like people have gotten so detached that they don't want people to just stop by and say hi or have a glass of tea out on the porch.


Favorite Answer

I agree with you. I hate the phone and if I could I would not have one. So it is much better when people just drop by.


No you are not. I'm 23 yrs old and I've never had a cellphone before and I don't care for one either. All my friends have cellphones and I must admit that is really annoying when you are talking to them for a long time and they turn around and say "what I was texting" or some crap like that. Take care now:)


Dear hot mom,

U almost made me cry, u r right we all r chasing money in a wild goose chase without realising the importance of family around.
if technology has brought many closer, many curse technology for ruining the real fun and practical exeriences althouhg we r able to express thru technology only, we have forgotten being civic, being cultured being socially responsible. .
People are woried about depression in the economy which they will never see but they dont have time to ask the health of their old parents who have grown them up. .
In many aspects technology is bliss but in lot more its a curse!!
I m a son feel sorry that my parents r nt with me, when it was time they took good care raise us up, now when they need me around m not with them. .
I m sure . . . soon I will be. . . .


No, you're not the only one left.

You forgot a couple of things, though.

The way Halloween used to be.
The way people once cared about their spelling and didn't use initials in place of sentences.
The way people once had class and didn't go around saying the F word in every sentence.

See? You're not alone.


... and your name is "hot mama" .