I have a big tender lump on the right side of my neck, is this serious?
I have a kind of big lump on the right side of my neck. Its tender and hurts very little. Its kind of noticeable to the naked eye. It is between my neck and jaw, about an inch below my ear. I just noticed it an hour ago. I also have two little smaller lumps on the left and right back sides of my head, witch i just noticed. I have a very slight head ache. I also have been dizzy for the last couple days, but not any more. I had a big and unhealthy breakfast today, like ice cream and brownies XD [ it seemed like a good idea at the time XD ] ( if that gives you any more helpful information). I am not really fat or overweight i think. Could it be like a mosquito bite or anything like that because I always get bit by mosquitoes unfortunately. Is this serious and will it go away soon and what is it?