Mike the typical theist?

Mike the typical theist?

Here's the email I received. Plus he disabled the reply button. I figured I'd out him.

Hello jl (jleslie48),

You have received a message from another user!

From: ?

Subject: ***

Message: you are a ******* retard and need to get your atheist *** kicked so bad you will be in coma for life and then ,meet the very one you insult, you ******* punk *** retard! you have a smart *** mouth, punk,and id beat you half to death for your insult to the good people on earth, you evil ******! go to hell, you homo


LOL!!! jesus#1 !!!! I tried to forward the email to you, but you don't accept emails.... LOL!!!!!



you claim to be a christian yet you justify bad behaviour because of other bad behaviour? shame on you.
the phrase is "do unto others as you would HAVE them do unto you" its not

do unto others as THEY HAVE done unto you.

why do so many christians get that wrong????


Favorite Answer

A typical hypocritical two faced theist, yes. Does he represent ALL theists? No. I had to LOL at the fact that he disabled it so that you couldn't respond back. He's certainly a typical punk who can dish out but doesn't want it dished back at him. He's the kind of guy that probably talks smack to some dude he crosses paths with and then runs like a wuss when that guy threatens to beat his sorry a$$. XD


Wow that's nasty.

His first mistake is calling you an Atheist, he should be calling you an anti-theist. If you're an Atheist you would respect other peoples choices. Basically you wouldn't waste your time on pointless debate on the existence of God.

His second mistake is calling you a homo, when you are pictured with your missus, although it's okay if you are a homosexual... meh... whatever floats your boat.

His greatest mistake was posting to you off list, because you can report him.

I'm a Christian, and I don't condone that kind of behaviour. Anyone sends that kind of abuse to me gets reported.


who evr is that is of the evil one...stay away delete and block....peace be with you and may Jesus the author of your faith help to understand that the world is under the control and sway of the evil one...Jesus lives and saves souls....remember that God did not create robots so you will always have a choice...no one has the authority to force you to do anything you don't want...this could be a sign from God that you need him to fight your battles...]

ps. If you trust in him 100% He will never let you down

second ps. if happens and is wrong is because God is trying is trying to teach you that your living in a fallen world and your need to do your part...jesus did his part in the cross...now is your turn to do your part...If you dont expect anyone to do anything for you than take the initiative from God...ask GOd for a first real sign and he will do it...he wants you to be saved...member that it may not be the way you expected...the first step is to beliive and the second is to search...

Bored now2012-05-25T15:11:26Z

That is funny. I think he needs to go back to the drawing board on what being a Christian actually is. He clearly is a nasty, foul-mouthed little boy.

I have been awarded Best Answer (I keep my email private because I don't want these loonies contacting me) just so that some pathetic "christian" can offer me some foul-mouthed abuse.

Says more about them than us!


Have you read some of the typical posts by Atheists in the last couple of minutes basically stating that Theists are all retards, or mentally weak, etc?

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