When a tree falls in the forest...... who can I sue?
Anyone else sick of this crap?
Anyone else sick of this crap?
no longer of your world
Favorite Answer
start with the Sierra Club, then move on the Stihl Co. (makers of chain saws). if that doesn't work then go after the squirrels. they're all nuts anyway.
Nuff Sed
Depends on why it fell, who owns it and where it was located.
If someone was negligent, and the falling tree caused you injury or damage, then you sue the person who was negligent, or their employer. If the tree was on your property and the logger who felled the tree was trespassing, you would not only sue the logger, you could bring criminal charges for timber trespass, depending upon your state's laws. If you're the local taxing official and the person felling the tree did not notify you of their intent to cut, your town can sue them for triple the tax they would have owed, if any, for the harvest report they were supposed to file. If the tree fell because of disease or other natural causes, the laws deem that an "act of god" for which nobody is responsible and thus nobody to sue. If the tree or nesting species in the tree were under some state or federal protection, felling it may have violated other laws or regulations for which there could be penalties.
So, which part of that were you concerned about?
Well, according to the American poet Joyce Kilmer, "...only God can make a tree". So I think you would have to sue the maker for shoddy workmanship. A word of caution, God is notorious for being hard to deliver a summons or subpoena to -- her secretary lies about her being out all the time.
That biznich Mother nature