Is it weird i only want to be friends the guy i like a lot? ?

I'm 16 finishing sophomore year and he's 18 and graduating....anyway for almost a year I've been very attracted to him and have liked him a lot and after thinking about it I don't want to be with him for sex, a relationship or anything like that but to be his fact for the brief amount of time that I thought he had.a girlfriend. I was more jealous of her getting to be his best friend rather than girlfriend ....sorry if this is confusing


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I'm exactly the same, its like I like a guy a lot and I think they are attractive but all I want to do is look at them or talk to them or have fun with them, but if they asked me out I would probably have to say no because I can't really imagine, or want to be involved like that


I always feel this way, I think its actually normal what your feeling. I Honestly think you want to be in a relationship with him but you also just want to make sure that your his best friend to and he doesn't have another girl who is his best Friend.


I think its normal. I used to have that feeling for a guy I liked.