Christians: What do you believe about where heaven is located.?

If you were to use various science fiction terms and ideas how would you describe the location of heaven?

Is it in some other dimension or what?
Tell me about where heaven is located.

If we are going to be going there some day then it must be located somewhere, so tell me what do you understand about its location.

I realize that the proper description for where heaven is located might not exist and if that is the case then just use the best description you can imagine.


Do not tell me what you think or understand about what others believe. I want to know what you believe. If I wanted to know what someone else believes I would ask them not you.


That is a neat insight Scooterpoop, medium rare, I had not thought about that.
So with that in mind I will also add the idea of what do you believe about heaven when it will eventually exist to what I would like to know.


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If you go by Jesus' parables, heaven only exists at the harvest. It hasn't hapened yet.


Heaven is upward from the earth

Isaiah 55:10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth,

Exodus 9:23 And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground;

Heaven is God's Throne
saiah 66:1 Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool:

Sun, Moon & Stars are in Up heaven
Genesis 15:5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars,

Deuteronomy 4:19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven,

Forrest Toney2012-05-26T10:51:04Z

Jesus said that he was the morning and evening star , Venus . Even though it is hot and gasses there , I believe that he made his Paradise on it's surface ; But only spiritually , so that our naked eyes and space capsules can't detect it . But God's Kingdom , and place of residence is here , and always will be here ; even though the earth , sun , and all space shall be rolled up as a scroll . Isaiah 18 says : Woe , to the land shadowing with wings ( the Americas ) , which is beyond the rivers of Africa ; whose country sends ambassadors on ships to help the nations that are scattered and peeled . This is where I ( God ) shall dwell , and take My rest . And He shall Redeem a few square miles for Himself in the Mid-west , when he ( that Servant and Elijah ) of both Isaiah 52 & Malachi 3&4 ( not John of John 1:21 ) is marred more than the Son of man , so that He can begin to put Jesus' enemies under His footstool ( Mat.22:41-46 ) ; And then 3 1/2 years later after the 2 Witnesses do their thing in Israel , shall Jesus bring his Paradise down to the Mid-east in order to prepare them for 1000 years so that they might be able to handle God's brighter presence that originally came to the Mid-west , but whose borders are expanding to cover the whole earth . And those resurrected beings who aren't ready shall have to taste of the second death .


According to the Bible, there are two heavens. One is described as a firmament, or the sky. The other heaven is described as being higher as well. There is no reference to the location of Heaven. It is the origin of all human life, ideas, and concept.


Jesus stated that, Heaven is within you and at another time, He said; Heaven is standing amongst you. Therefore, it is possible to go to Heaven at any time.
"Heaven " could also be called; a place or a condition of soul.
I believe all of this is true and correct, how ever, the Book of Apocalypse, et al. describes a fuller scenario of Heaven

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