What did my best friend mean?

My best friend and I went to Vegas earlier this week. We were in the hotel room reading one of my magazines, which had an infographic detailing the most concentrated areas of cheaters, according to a website that enables married people to cheat.
One of the top cities was in a state that my boyfriend and I would like to move to in a few years. My friend's relationship with my boyfriend is good, and she approves of him.
But when we were looking at it, she said, "This state has a lot of cheaters in it. Don't you want to move there?"
I said yes but that I have my boyfriend and don't have a reason to think he'd cheat.
(First we're moving to the city where she lives then will move away after a few years to begin a family together. She's happy that we're moving close to her but wants us to stay.)
Then she said that "well, some people could be converts."
My boyfriend isn't a cheater. Why'd she say that? I don't think they have done anything.


Favorite Answer

she possibly is upset that you are moving away from her. say that you dont know what she ment and be sure that she knows she can be hinest with you and it is important that she tells you EVERYTHING she knows!

Too Legit To Quit2012-05-27T08:04:16Z

Though she's very blunt she's probably just stating the facts. She probably means that by
moving into a city with high cheating rates could make it easier for a tramp to come along and entice him.



"Sometimes when people are around certain things, such as the occurrence of cheating, there is a high possibility that they would conduct the deed themselves."


My translation: I like ur boyfriend, and since hes close I'm gonna try to get in his pants. This is a warning so watch out *****.