What did my best friend mean?
My best friend and I went to Vegas earlier this week. We were in the hotel room reading one of my magazines, which had an infographic detailing the most concentrated areas of cheaters, according to a website that enables married people to cheat.
One of the top cities was in a state that my boyfriend and I would like to move to in a few years. My friend's relationship with my boyfriend is good, and she approves of him.
But when we were looking at it, she said, "This state has a lot of cheaters in it. Don't you want to move there?"
I said yes but that I have my boyfriend and don't have a reason to think he'd cheat.
(First we're moving to the city where she lives then will move away after a few years to begin a family together. She's happy that we're moving close to her but wants us to stay.)
Then she said that "well, some people could be converts."
My boyfriend isn't a cheater. Why'd she say that? I don't think they have done anything.