Why do so many of you insist on doing other's homework.?

Why do so many of you constantly complete other's homework problems on Yahoo Answers?! Why help someone pass when they DESERVE to fail. Especially when there are people who actually study and try their hardest to pass. You are NOT helping the people with their homework, you are effectively demeaning the hard work of the people who DESERVE to pass.

I think that this is especially appalling when the area the asker is cheating in is our favorite field. Do you want people to remain ignorant about the facts of astronomy?! NO WAY! So STOP helping people BLATANTLY CHEAT!


*edit* These people are screwed because they'd rather talk or play words with friends during class than actually try to succeed. If they don't care enough about success to pay attention, then they don't deserve to pass. They deserve the feeling of being a failure so they can finally do something about their failure.


" and in science in particular is about as low as any human can go in my opinion."

This is worded perfectly. Thank you.

Search first before you ask it2012-05-28T09:52:47Z

Favorite Answer

Too many of us just want to show off how much we know. Or THINK we know.

I usually don't answer homework questions. But I do offer to help IF the asker would specify how much they already know or even if they would offer their own educated guess as to what the right answer is -- and preferably WHY. Then I feel better about correcting them or explaining why it is so or not so.

Sometimes the asker follows my request. Other times they'll just take the first answer they get on a silver platter from some other user.

One solution would be to thumbs-down any answers given away like that, even if it is 100% accurate (to throw an extra monkey wrench in the mix, maybe thumbs-up really bad answers). This would of course totally confuse the asker as to what the actual correct answer is, unless they did some actual studying. They might re-ask the question again, but if we keep at it they'll start to get the message. Maybe the respondents too.


I very rarely answer homework questions and then only if the person had said "Hey, I had a go at this problem, this is what I did but I got the wrong answer, can you set me straight." I will then explain (if possible) how they should go about getting the correct answer without giving it to them outright.
However, there will usually be someone else who will straight out give them the answer, so that's the reason I rarely bother.

Midnite Rambler2012-05-28T09:40:14Z

I have adopted a policy of stating that all answerers should deliberately give incorrect information in their answers so that the cheat has to do the work by checking which answers are correct.

Example: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnXjYK7dP8TRWfoa5sOVsb_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120523095218AAGWnuR

Claiming the work of others as your own is, quite simply cheating - and in science in particular is about as low as any human can go in my opinion.


Sometimes when people ask homework questions, i give them a very looooong description, like this one.

Not sure if that was a homework question though, but for the person to find out the answer, they have to read it all, meaning they're learning about it whether they like it or not. lol


i dont help but how screwed are these people that need help when it comes test time and they have no clue what they are doing

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