DOOL...Who else is tired of....?

Who else is tired of everybody in town being shown with a gun? This is just too ridiculous and it reminds me of the crappy soaps from the 50's or 60's. This is just all too overly dramatic and it's like just running it into the ground. I'm glad these incompetent writers are being replaced and so many of the actors are leaving now. What do you all think?


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oh Kitty you are so right. its sad, we need writers that love the show, that love its legacy and can evolve the characters with sacrificing everyones story.
help, days is sinking, throw them a rope.


How else would you begin a "whodunnit" story? They do this all the time when they're doing those kinds of stories, this happened when EJ was shot at his wedding to Sami (which Lucas went to jail for, but now we know it was Will), and back when everyone wanted to kill Colin when Nicole was marrying Victor (viewers of the 90's-early 2000's will remember this).

I'm not tired of it, this show needs a good whodunnit story!


I honestly love the story line. It has been a while since we have had a good murder mystery.
A few things to take into consideration are that the actor portraying Stefano is 83 years old. He cannot continue acting indefinitely. I would not be surprised if the murderer turned out to be Lexi. After all she is dieing and what a better way to go out by killing the man who has ruined all of her friends lives.

Kitty 22012-05-30T12:32:00Z

Yes and of all people they showed Will with a gun. Good grief. this is getting outta hand to me. But im thinking Abe along with Lexie will kill him. Thats terrible to say but after she heard Abe and FATHER talking she was hurt.K2

M W2012-05-30T11:52:56Z

It's just insane. We will get new episodes with new writers after the Olympics. August starts new, hopefully it will be better.

They are dragging out all the story lines right now. It's like they don't know what to do with any of the characters.

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