Can a Dr. charge his patient when the insurance co. requires him to send in a pre approval for medication?

I know how much the Dr and the Dr's staff hate this song and dance the insurance co. wants to play so that they can come up with any reason not to approve the much needed medication prescribed for the patient. Unfortunately it is us, the patients that are getting the wrong end of the deal. We have no control over this and we are the ones left hanging without our medication suffering. I am truly over with the attitude my office gives me when this situation comes up. Now, the Dr.wants to charge $25.00 to me every time he has to make such a call and or complete paperwork regarding this song and dance. Is the ethical, legal?


No, I am sorry but this is part of his job. Patients have no control over this and cannot be asked to pay everytime the insurance co requires this.

Kathi S2012-05-31T10:46:59Z

Favorite Answer

Yes it's legal and yes it's ethical. He needs to be paid for his time and the time he spends on the phone or completing paperwork for the insurance company is time he cannot spend with his patients.