Christians: Why are you against abortion, exactly?

I know, you're against it because life begins at conception and aborting a baby is murder. But hear me out. The baby goes straight to heaven, right? A person who never makes it out of the birth canal never has a chance to sin--so they can never go to hell. Every baby you abort is a person you've saved from an eternity of torment.

What greater love could there be than to save your unborn child from the fires of hell, even if it means that you yourself will burn there for committing the sin of murder? You risk an eternity of terrible, unimaginable torment so your child will be safe in a perfect paradise. And surely, since you were acting so selflessly, Jesus will forgive your sins, if you call upon his name to be saved.

Now, you may say that if everyone did this, the human race would go extinct, and I agree. Abortion should certainly not be enforced. But if a brave mother wants to make that sacrifice for her child...what kind of Christians are we to tell her she can't?


I should clarify that these are not my personal opinions on abortion. I simply looked at the doctrines of Christianity and took them to their logical conclusion. The best life on Earth is nothing compared to life in heaven, and life on Earth also comes with a chance of going to hell. Under this framework, doesn't it make sense that, if someone said "Hey, I'll let you go straight to heaven, no chance of hell at all, if you simply skip your life on Earth", that you would take them up on their offer? From the baby's perspective I can't see how they're missing out on anything worthwhile.

Too often it seems that Christians operate under humanistic philosophies most of the time, while simultaneously believing in afterlives that, if real, make those philosophies basically nonsensical. The question was not about abortion at all; it was simply a consciousness-raising exercise.


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First of all, nobody has an abortion to be selfless. It is because they are being selfish...its inconvenient, etc.

Second of all, murder is wrong. God said those who kill their children are an abomination to him. He wanted cities destroyed for killing the innocent. Why don't we kill babies when they are 1 month old...surely they haven't sinned at such a young age? because its disgusting and wrong!


I've got to go to bed. So I can't write much. But one thing I will say is this. Something cannot be righteous and sinful at the same time. By saying it is a graceful, selfless thing to abort your child and offer it up to heaven without the chance of having to live life in a sinful place; then in turn saying, "God will forgive her of this sin", are contradictory statements.
Genesis 1:31 "God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good."
Genesis 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it...............
Matthew 7:12 "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
I just used these same verses in another answer.
God loves all of His creation. Remember, it was our sin that cursed this planet. Not God's. He does want to have us all in heaven. But lack of life is not what God wants. He needs people on the earth to carry out the great commission. If all believers aborted their children who would be here to win souls for Christ. Just some simple logic.


Nauseating. Just nauseating.
Did it ever occur to you that Christians are not only trying to prevent a murder (abortion) but to also show the light to the pregnant woman?
There is nothing "selfless" about abortion. It is a most selfish act.


I hate abortion because you are making an unborn baby equal to a tick or parasite. Its like oh no I have a babie growing I haven't got time for it. I need to kill it before I have to take care of it.


First. murder is wrong
Second. how you put it, it would be like someone trying to play or be God in choosing to send the baby straight to Heaven.
3rd..its just wrong to kill, and i like what Nicole said, why dont we just kill the baby @ 1 month old, baby hasnt had time to sin right??? excellent point

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