What sport does my son have the best chance for a college scholarship?
My 12 year old is a good athlete. He is interested in a wide variety of sports. Which sports should I steer him towards, in order to possibly get a college scholarship?
My 12 year old is a good athlete. He is interested in a wide variety of sports. Which sports should I steer him towards, in order to possibly get a college scholarship?
Favorite Answer
Cheerleading. There will be a limited number of boy cheerleaders thus giving him the advantage.
Well it depends on what he is best at. he may be a subpar soccer player but a phenominal basketball player....It all depends. Id say baseball because there are so many teams in the country, id also look at lacrosse. I got offered a few scholarships and because it is not widely played yet he has a better chance. And since its growing more and more schools are getting lacrosse programs, therefore meaning more scholarships.
But to be honest, instead of worrying about him getting a scholarship, i would let him do the sport he most enjoys, despite how good he is at it
In my personal opinion, I'd say baseball. I have played a variety of sports and I would say baseball is the funnest and simplest. Try him out as pitcher, really good position to play in baseball.
Is he black? If he isn't he probably has very little chance, unless he is like ex ( the best basketball player in a school of 200 only the ones his age or older)