Anyone here who raises chickens?
I have 3 chickens that are free range and I am looking to get two more layers this weekend from a local poultry farm. My chickens do have a coop which they return to each night. My question is about introducing the new birds to the ones that I already have. I am a beginner at this and thought I would ask about any ones experiences with this...quarantine proceedures and length of time...or if that is not necessary in certain situations? Any advice would be most appreciated. thanks!
Guess I need to clarify: Im referring to the possibility of introducing illness or foreign bacteria/viruses from new chickens to my own. With small, non commercial 'hobbies' like mine, how big of a concern is this? I have two roosters and one hen now...the roosters are pals [any future fighting between males is not my main concern]. Thanks.