How can I keep my disc golf disc straight?

I am a novice player and my favorite disc is the Buzzz, however, When I go to thrown RHBH the disc will come out of my hand at an angle so it will fade hard left towards the end of it's flight. How can I prevent this? I seem to be doing everything right, putting all my weight on my front leg, keep the disc close to my body, stay low. What else can I do to make it fly straighter?

Alex H2012-06-12T14:35:57Z

Favorite Answer

First, learn to draw it (i.e. shape it hard the other way). To do this, you'll want to tilt the end of the disc that's away from your body up during your wind up, holding that through release. In essence, you'll want the disc tilted from the 10 o'clock position to the 4 o'clock position at the point of release. It'll go left.
Once you get that down, start lowering the edge slowly throw by throw until it levels out.