If you fall for a Ponzi scheme, who is responsible?
Let's say a man named Ponzi comes to you and says "If you pay me 10% of your income for the next 30 years, then you can retire and I'll pay for your retirement until you die. Trust me, your money will be safe in a 'lock box', it won't be spent, so you'll just be living off the interest of that huge stash." So, you agree and give him your money for the next 30 years, and then start collecting your retirement. Then one day Ponzi says "Sorry, there's no more money, there's no lock box. You are on your own." and you are suddenly stuck with no income. 1) Where is all the money you gave him? 2) Who is to blame for the getting you into this mess? 3) Who is responsible to pay for your retirement now? 4) Do your answers change if you replace the name "Ponzi" with the name "Social Security"?
Favorite Answer
1. He spent it on material possessions and fine wining and dining. 2. Ponzi. 3. You are. But you have been all along one way or another by contributing to your retirement. 4. No. Because Social Security isn't a Ponzi scheme. It's been paying out benefits for over 70 years now and will continue to do so.
Uh, if A GUY said that, I'd be an idiot to simply agree, without any evidence that it was a secure system. (BTW, that's not a Ponzi scheme.)
What a moron would think is that that's a good analogy for Social Security -- which also isn't a Ponzi scheme.
Morons also seem completely ignorant of the fact that Social Security has been the MOST successful program EVER; that it's unbelievably efficient, with over 95% of the money spent on it going to intended recipients, with about 3% going to administrative costs (not sure of the exact numbers, but around 97/3 -- or 96/4).
A Ponzi scheme, or pyramid scheme is a "get rich" scam -- the early adopters make a LOT of money off of all the later people, until it all falls apart.
Social Security has worked for GENERATIONS, and needs some tweeks every few decades. But, since we've had Republicans in power, those tweeks haven't been done.
Yet another reason we should vote EVERY Republican out of office.
I know YOU would have been happier if a hundred million seniors had starved to death in the streets, but no HUMAN agrees.
It is evident that you do not understand what a Ponzi scheme is. It is evident that you do not understand the principles of insurance.
The Social Security system is set up as an insurance program. It will not ever run out of money, even if we do not make sensible changes to the system. It is designed to continue operating forever. We have proof that it will do so, though benefits will have to be modified in 25 years.
A Ponzi scheme is set up as an investment system, though the operator produces false income and capital growth to induce suckers to "invest" in his system. It is designed to produce "profits" only for the operator and to take "investments" from the suckers.
1) in the government's coffers, where the money disappered 2) the government, they expected you to be on it and pay into it (they are the only ones benefiting) 3) they would be in debt to another country to pay it back 4) it had a purpose in the beginning, but the government robbed it for other purposes