Do you think Michael Vick paid his dues?

I stumbled on a Vick support website today and was disgusted by how many people made excuses for him. Everything from "they were just dogs" to "lots of people fight dogs, why throw the book at Vick?" I don't understand how anyone can excuse his behavior, he brutally murdered and tortured dogs for money. He was a multimillionaire and still chose to fight and kill dogs for fun. I have seen several celebrities try to excuse his behavior publicly even, saying that its his "culture"- BS I'm from the south and that is NOT our culture, it is hateful, brutal "entertainment" for lowlifes and degenerates. There is no excuse for what he did.
Do you think that he should have been allowed back in the NFL and do you agree that he paid his dues?


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no i do not, the man sickens me ... i do not think he should have been allowed back to play football ...


No i dont. I read some of the things they did to these poor anamals and i want to cry. But even though feel there was an injustice, in a strange way.somthing good came out of this,,, the "PITBULL" bread has been finally been put in the spot light, miths have been put to rest such as they where born to fight only, they have somthing in there D.N.A that causes them to go crazy. They showed many of this guys bitbulls being rehabilitated to contibute to socity. They showed feelings. One of them when being rehabilitated was so scared of humans that she would shiver in a corner. Which shows that they are as sweet, caring and warm and can hurt just like all of it k9 cousins
But the best part of all they busted the fighting ring and stoped it. So there was some justice.:)


Dog lovers would never excuse Vick for what he did, but others that equate dogs as property no doubt consider him vindicated. Personally, I'd put him in jail and make sure he never was allowed to own any kind of pet.


NO!!!! He has not paid his dues. He is a lowlife and always will be.... How can any woman be with him and have his child... Beware!

Sad to see the thumbs down here, this is a dog lovers section, I hope.


certain He Has. have self belief me i do not position self belief in Killing canines the way he did, yet we can forgive Kobe Bryant For Raping a lady, WHY no longer VICK.... i have self belief In 2d opportunities, He deserve a 2d probability.

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