R&P: What's the first album that comes to mind when I say "honest"?
The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan comes to mind for me.
BQ: How are you? BQ2: When was the last time you rocked the casbah? BQ3: What is something you find underrated BQ4: Is the word "underrated" underrated?
Congratulations by MGMT. It's their second album and they got a lot of criticism for it, because it wasn't like their first album (Oracular Spectacular). Their response was simply that they'd grown up since they wrote Oracular Spectacular, and they wanted to make an honest album that reflected who they were then.
BQ: Well, I've been better. BQ2: There's a venue in my city called The Casbah. So I literally did rock the Casbah about 2 weeks ago. BQ3: Rush. They're an incredibly popular band - with their fans. But overall, I find a lot of people hate them, are intimidated by their music, or just have never even heard of them. BQ4: Hardly. I'd say it's overused, if anything.