i told her i liker her, now what?

so i told my friend i like her and stuff and she was ok with it and said she's "honored" to know that someone finds her attractive, ive known her since February and she knows me pretty well and knows im not a player or anything, im pretty goofy when im around her but can be serious when needed. she is 5 years older than me though lol. but she did say that i would be the perfect boyfriend. im not very good looking and she's done like modeling in the past. looks dont matter but yea. so how do i win her over? and tips?


she just turned 21 and im 17 and a half


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Your right looks don't matter, confidence and being sure of yourself is what matters. But you didn't do yourself any favors by professing your love to this girl. Now she knows you're a little pansy boy and you will only be her "friend." You'll be the guy she comes to vent to while other, more confident guys, are banging her while not telling her they "like her." The point is that girls don't like guys who are all nice and "being friends" with them. That doesn't work and you should erase that from your brain. She should be the one telling you that she likes you and is chasing you, not the other way around. Her saying she was "honored" and saying "you would be a perfect bf" is her nice way of rejecting you. Find another girl, and this time make her like you by being a man who knows what he wants and can get any girl at any time.